Our Rates
Choosing Tailored Resumes is not only a smart decision but a wise investment since your resume is an important document. Your resume should be well-thought-out and written concisely with one career choice in mind, NOT several to avoid confusing your reader on what you are trying to achieve with your resume, It should include all relevant information on your skills, work experiences, knowledge, and education showing your value to the position you are applying too. It should give your reader a reason to say "YES" before they say, "NO"!

USB flash drive designed like a credit card that will have your resume uploaded on it. This card is convenient because you can carry in your wallet or purse just like a credit card and always have your resume at your finger tips whenever you need it! (Cost $15)
Custom Designed Resume: $245 Cash / $260 Check or Credit Card
Career Change Resume: $260 Cash / $275 Check or Credit Card
(Career Change costs more since it takes more time and talent to “Think Outside the Box”
to show your Reader you have the skills, talents, and ability to make this career move.)
Resume Re-Types - $100 Cash / $110 Check or Credit Card
(Existing resume typed in your same format with minor changes or a resume
converted to Word doc, PDF file, or newly printed copies provided)
Federal Resumes: $250 - $500
( Requires more time and is 3 - 4 pages )
CV (Curriculum Vitae): $300 - $400
( Is usually 3 to 4 pages and requires more time)
Two-page resumes are the ”most common” written resume today because it allows you more room to explain to your Reader what you can do for them, as well as add pertinent information on your background and skill levels, which gives you a better opportunity to be called for an interview.
One-page resumes are simply no longer effective in today's increasingly competitive job market since you only have 15 - 20 seconds to make your first impression.
However, at times a three-page resume will be necessary for those in top executive or CEO positions, doctors, or attorneys, which would be determined at the time of your consult. In such cases as those, the cost would for a 3-page resume.
3 Page Resume $300 Cash $325 (Check or Credit Card)
Included in your resume package are the following:
A resume designed and tailored to meet your specific needs
A digital copy of your designed resume
Cover Letter, Thank You Letter or Reference Page are $35 each
Full Payment is required at time of service
Cash, Check, Visa, Master Card, American Express
or PayPal are accepted
Payment can made below or at the time of your personal consultation.

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